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Workplace Incident Investigations at Northern Rivers WHS

At Northern Rivers WHS, we understand that workplace incidents can have serious implications for both safety and compliance. Our expert team is dedicated to conducting thorough and effective incident investigations to uncover root causes and prevent future occurrences. Our approach ensures that your organization remains compliant with relevant regulations and maintains a safe working environment for all workers.

Our Investigation Process

Our incident investigation process is structured to be comprehensive and systematic:

  • Immediate Response: We quickly respond to incidents to secure the scene, ensuring that evidence is preserved and the situation is stabilized to prevent further harm.

  • Data Collection: Our team gathers detailed information about the incident, including witness statements, physical evidence, and any relevant workplace documentation.

  • Analysis: We use proven analytical techniques to identify the underlying causes of the incident. This may include systems analysis, root cause analysis, and human factors analysis.

  • Report and Recommendations: We compile a detailed report that outlines the findings of the investigation, including contributory factors and recommendations for preventative measures.

  • Follow-Up: To ensure that the recommended changes are implemented effectively, we provide follow-up services to review adjustments and their impact on workplace safety.


Why Choose Northern Rivers WHS?
  • Expertise: Our investigators are experienced professionals who are trained in the latest investigative techniques and are knowledgeable about current workplace safety regulations.

  • Confidentiality: We handle all investigations with the utmost sensitivity and confidentiality, respecting the privacy and integrity of all involved parties.

  • Preventative Focus: Our goal is not just to determine what went wrong, but also to provide actionable solutions that prevent future incidents and improve safety protocols.

Mobile and On-Site Services

We offer both on-site investigations and mobile services to ensure comprehensive coverage and convenience. Our team can swiftly arrive at your location, conduct all necessary investigative activities, and provide immediate assistance and advice.

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